“Lifework Changes Lives”

A special video message from Alan Schutz, Executive Director of Lifework Orlando.

Dear Lifework Friends,

If you're anything like me, the last couple of years have been a season of uncertainty. Collectively, every aspect of our lives - health, school, work, finances, politics, travel - has been a season of dealing with the unknown. And individually, each of us have our own unique circumstances that push us to live in uncertainty. Ironically, for us in the Lifework family. God has prepared us for "such a time as this."

I'm grateful that Lifework remains a constant for our community. The Lifework program is foundationally set to prepare us to live for God whatever the circumstances around us may be. Lifework's genuine interest in both graduates and our community's well-being has kept a steady course moving forward focused on Jesus and Kingdom purpose. For me personally Lifework has been steadfast in genuine interest and concern, helping me to discover and live God's call for my life.

My name is Russell Gaither, I'm a husband, father, and a committed ministry leader for over 10 years. I'm also a grateful alumnus of Lifework Orlando and proud to help the Lifework team in building a strong program here. I first became aware of Lifework as early as 2012, but it wasn't until many years later that my connection to Lifework became one of the most important and valuable relationships of my life.

Today, Lifework has played a major role in the transition and development of my career path - a path that now combines my love of soccer and my desire to minister in a natural way. I started my career as a professional international soccer player and then turned to a full-time campus ministry leader. Each was right for me at the time, but, now, Lifework has helped me to see that God has given me a passion for both and that I can realistically do both. Not only can we live out our purpose and passion in the workplace - we should live 24/7 serving God and others. I am obtaining appropriate advanced degrees and certifications and working with Orlando City Soccer Club in their sports science department. Caring for professional players physically, gives me the opportunity to tend to emotional and spiritual needs. This season of the unknown has become a season of discernment and guidance from Lifework that has blessed my family and our future.

As I reflect on this year and what Lifework has meant to me, I am grateful. I invite you to do the same. Think about how Lifework has affected your life? Relationships? Shaped your faith and your business? I invite you to join me and make a financial gift this year-end to assure that Lifework continues to serve other leaders as you have been served. Would you consider a gift of $100, $250, perhaps $1000 or more? By giving together we impact the future of leaders, and our community for whatever "such a time as this" lies in the future.

Thanks for your consideration and I hope you enjoy a special holiday season with your loved ones.

Russell Gaither
Lifework Class of 2019